Our Story

Dorothy I. Height Elementary School is a Title I, citywide school. At DHES, we celebrate our community's diversity and foster an appreciation for all cultures and perspectives in a nurturing environment. We wholeheartedly cultivate our core principles of Accountability, Discipline, Integrity, and Trust on a daily basis.  

DHES involves families in student achievement through effective home-school communication and meaningful relationships while providing rigorous instruction driven by students’ passions, interests, and individual needs. 

We provide learning experiences that encompass both academics and the social-emotional learning that supports the whole child. Spanish, Art, Performing Arts, Library, and Physical Education/Health classes are provided to all students. We also instill respect, compassion, and empathy in every student, and we believe Every Child, Every Day, Excellence!


Our School’s Strengths

  • We boast small class sizes and inclusive support for  all learners.
  •  We have a diverse staff and student body.
  • Our MONARCH teaching staff exemplifies EXCELLENCE and have many years of experience in their respective fields and are fluent in several different languages. 
  •  We offer after-school tutoring, before and after school programming, and an array of extracurricular activities. 
  •  We have one of the largest ECE programs in DCPS. We have 5 PK3 and 4 PK4 classrooms. 
  •  Our ECE program is meeting all Domain Targets for the CLASS assessment.
  • At DHES, we are building global learners. Kindergarten through first grade students have a 3:1 student to device ratio. Second through fifth grade students have a 1:1 student to device ratio. 

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